Liebster Award

Jyotee (Isolated Girl) of nominated me for this award. She is from Nepal and her blog includes beautiful poems (a lot of them). Thank you for the nomination, Jyotee.

Here are the rules of the award:


Questions and Answers:

1. Who are you and where do u belong to?
>>> I am Ankit aka Sandeept. I am from Kathmandu, Nepal.

2. Who is your idol and why?
>>> My parents and my sister. I carry major traits of their individual personalities.

3. Which is your favorite book and why?
>>> “Little Brother” by Cory Doctorow for it introduced me a new fiction genre- ‘cyberpunk’.

4. What is beauty? And what makes you beautiful?
>>> Beauty is said to be in the eyes of beholder. I believe eyes here means the heart. I’m not sure(?) but it must be my heart that makes me beautiful.

5. Are you single, in a relationship or married?
>>> Single, while I’m writing this.

6. Who is your favorite author?
>>> Laxmi Prasad Devkota, Edgar Allan Poe, Agatha Christie, Alexander Dumas.

7. What is the best thing about you? And the worst one!
>>> The best thing (it’s difficult to think one): imagination, maybe.
The worst thing (That’s easier): Diffidence on handling matters.

8. What do you write and why?
>>> I write everything from poems (little), essays and stories. I’m also working on a couple of novels(incomplete).
Writing is a way of handling my emotions to much extent. I also write because (I’m borrowing your words, Jyotee) I don’t want to die doing nothing. It would be something to bring up inspiration to the society through my works.

9. Is your life difficult or is it easy?
>>> To a boy grown up in a middle class family with expectations from a lot of people, life is never easy. But that doesn’t mean it’s too difficult. Life is life- it just goes on.

10. Who or what is God?
>>> Believe me, the manifestation of goodness within us is God. Anyone/Anything, including yourself, who can inspire your goodness is God.

11. Whom do u love, the most in the world?
>>> I said one day to my friends, “I love myself the most. Call me selfish but if I cannot love myself I cannot love others.”

11 Random Facts About Myself

1. I was an extrovert during my early childhood gradually changing into an introvert. It was the demand of the circumstances.

2. I used to sing in the stage until I was in Grade 1. While I was singing a song, I mimicked the music as well which made everyone laugh at it. I thought I had made a mistake and could never sing a song properly on the stage.

3.  I am a student of Geology. The subject is somewhat practical and at times feels hypothetical which makes it fun and tough at the same time.

4. I am fond of ebooks. I have read several books on Project Gutenberg, anf have MBs of downloaded epub and PDF versions on my computer and mobile devices

5. I used to participate on the quizzes since I was in Class 3. By the time, I was in 8, I had become the captain in every quiz competition. Once, in an Inter-House Competition, my House (Red) answered all ten questions in One-Minute-Rapid-Fire Round. That was the last round and we leaped from third to win the competition.

6. I did not wear glasses despite poor eye-sight during my Plus 2. I passed all the exams by listening to the lectures and copying from my friends, including Maths.

7. I was very arrogant when I was a child.

8. If you ever come to my room, you will find books everywhere. The first reason is their number and second reason is that I can’t find them easily if I do not place them in random.

9. I am fond of animated movies. Shrek, Tangled, Brave, How to Train Your Dragon, Up, Inside Out are some of my favourite movies. I find them artistic.

10. Two years ago, I read all seven books of Harry Potter series (Ebooks) in 13 days. I can’t explain the hallucinations I felt.

11. From 2013, I have been reading at least two novels by Agatha Christie each year. The first I read was “The Secret Adversary”. The most recently read is “The Cards on the Table”.

Here are my nominees:

1. Acharya Samir
2. Anish Khanal
3. Carlos Lewis
4. Garima
5. Anush

And here are my questions:

1. What is your blog about?

2. Who is your best friend?

3. Do you have pets?

4. If you could meet one person from any period in history (it may even be fictional), who would it be?

5. What is the sweetest thing someone ever did for you?

6. Which were the best years of your life – childhood, youth or whichever age you’re now?

7. Do you suffer from any kind of phobia?

8. Can you spend the day without looking at the clock?

9. Which is the cutest animal that you’ve ever seen for real?

10. Do wishes come true?

11. The last but not the least, the classic one: Love is ……

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